Our Work
Here are some selected projects from our portfolio.
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For further information on any particular project or to request our entire portfolio, kindly contact us.
Inclusive Development

Ethnic & Race Relations Policy Development
AHADI worked in partnership with the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to develop an Ethnic and Race Relations Policy aimed at promoting positive ethnic and race relations in Kenya.
With Kenya being a multi-ethnic and multi-racial nation, its political stability depends on recognition of its diversity and the conditions necessary to ensure peaceful co-existence.
AHADI was part of a committee tasked to develop the policy as part of several interventions undertaken to promote peaceful coexistence in Kenya and contribute to ending inequality in the country.

Ethnic Diversity Conference
AHADI with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation organized a two day regional conference from 16-17 November 2009 under the theme of “Ethnic Diversity: Opportunities and Challenges for Eastern Africa” to examine ways in which ethnic diversity can be used as a resource for the region.
The forum brought together academicians, members of parliament and civil society from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ghana and Netherlands.
The meeting sought to shed light on how eastern Africa can use its ethnic diversity as a step towards ethnic harmony and democracy, while seeking to learn from the successes and failures of other countries in the world.

Youth Leadership
AHADI collaborated with Twaweza Communications to implement the New Leadership Project supported by Ford Foundation in 2004/2005.
The project sought to redefine the existing concept of leadership by enhancing and creating spaces in other areas apart from politics and involving the youth in leadership.
Through this project, we explored and identified beacons of hope in the region. In addition, we examined with others the core boundary – crossing values; values that cut across gender, age, ethnicity, nationalities and economies.
Values-Based Education
Character Education
AHADI is undertaking a Character Education Project which will advance virtues of humility among Kenyan children aged 9 -10 years. Nine schools drawn from three counties – Kajiado, Nairobi and Nakuru – will participate in the Project
The question the Project seeks to answer is this: How can character education that supports honesty, diligence, generosity and thankfulness be best implemented among Kenyan primary school children who are exposed to competing values?
The Character Education Project seeks to raise children in Kenya who exhibit humility in their lives: children who understand, care about, and practice core ethical values such as honesty, diligence, generosity and thankfulness.
AHADI commissioned short stories to be published as part of a series of a children’s readers. The stories are geared towards values education for primary school children.
The themes addressed in these books are:
- Nuru’s Heart-GenerosityDownload
- Fatuma and Mickey-HonestyDownload
- Akuchi & The Fishing Boat- ThankfulnessDownload
- Amira’s Dream-DiligenceDownload
The books were submitted for evaluation by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and have been approved for use in primary schools in Kenya.
Sexual & Reproductive Health

public Health Promotion
AHADI provided consultancy services in the development of a documentary on Community Based Monitoring for the Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF).
The twenty minute documentary titled Community Monitoring for Health Service Delivery captured the progress made by HERAF in equipping the communities in various sub counties in Embu, Nyeri and Kwale counties with knowledge and skills on community monitoring of public health services.
The documentary provided a summary of the 3 year community monitoring project.

Africa Soap Summit on Entertainment and Health Promotion
In June 2003, AHADI in collaboration with Population Communications International (PCI) and Twaweza Communications organized the Africa Soap Summit on Entertainment and Health Promotion (June 3- 7th 2003) in Kenya.
The Summit opened opportunities for discussion on how creativity is being used for health promotion.

Traditional Healers Workshop
In September 2003, AHADI worked in collaboration with PROMETRA (Association de Promotion de Medicins Traditional en Afrique) and Twaweza Communications to convene the Traditional Healers Workshop held in Limuru, Kenya between 17th and 20th September 2003.
The meeting brought together traditional healers from Africa, Caribbean Islands, Asia and America to discuss the role of traditional healing in the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS.
This meeting was a precursor of the 13th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA).
Also AHADI in conjunction with PROMETRA and Twaweza Communications facilitated the Satellite and Round table meetings at the 13th ICASA.

Bangok AIDS Conference
Africa- Asia InterAction
During the Bangkok 2004 AIDS Conference, AHADI worked with the Raks Thai Foundation of Thailand to facilitate the Africa- Asia InterAction in the Global Village by bringing together partners from East Africa and Asia to share and discuss their experiences with the objective of dealing with HIV/AIDS in families.

Twende na Wakati
(Move with the Times)
In October 2004, UNFPA- Tanzania contracted AHADI to provide technical assistance to the “Twende na Wakati” radio soap opera creative and productive teams.
Over the years, AHADI has provided support to Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam in design and improvement of their IEC/BCC programming.
We have also worked with the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) – Kenya to provide linkages between culture and health.

Art for Action
In 2005 and 2006, AHADI organised a series of activities under the Africa Asia InterAction.
The learning exchanges were supported by the Rockefeller Foundation to increase knowledge on sexual reproductive health in East Africa and the Mekong Region of South East Asia with specific reference to HIV/AIDS.
Between July and October 2005, we worked with artists and cultural practitioners in Korogocho slums to design body maps as a way of dealing with HIV/AIDS related stigma.
In October 2005, we organised an Arts for Action on HIV/AIDS Festival, which brought together activists, program officers and government officials and families.

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ARSH)
In 2005, we designed a soap opera, a comic strip, stage performances and a comic book on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ARSH) issues for UNFPA Uganda
In 2006 we collaborated with the Family Planning Association of Uganda (FPAU) to conduct a KAP baseline study on Reproductive Rights (RR) among the Ugandan public, health services providers and policy makers in eleven (11) districts.

Nionyeshe Penzi
(Show me Love)
In 2007, we have been running the Kiswahili radio program “Nionyeshe Penzi (Show me Love)” on issues of HIV and AIDS; the Africa Asia Interaction.
It came to a close in June 2007 and implemented the “Making Sex Safer” project in conjunction with our Asia partner, Raks Thai Foundation.
In early 2007, the organization also ran a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) multi-media project in Uganda where we produced a pilot program for sexual and reproductive health in Central Uganda with support from UNFPA.